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  •   mail sales@digitalmonkey.com

Felt Pennant - 8"x18"

Production Time: 11 Working Days
250 $2.58 each
500 $1.75 each
1000 $1.67 each
2500 $1.58 each
5000 $1.28 each
10000 $1.08 each
$83.33 each
Printed Felt Pennants are a classic fan favorite. Commemorate a special business event, church rally, school spirit, school graduation or sport team with these quality printed felt pennants. Our felt pennants, college pennants, sports team pennants and elementary school pennants are available in two pennant sizes. Personalized with your custom printed advertising name, logo or school mascot.

Normal Production Time
11 Working Days

Product Size
8 " X 18 "

Additional Information
PriceIncludeClr: Full color

DecorationMethod: Full-color digital

Packaging: Bulk

Call for pricing on additional imprint colors.
Tedra Ortega
Digital Monkey
Marketing Manager
In a small town
Woodville, TX 75979
(281) 235-5575